
Luther College prepares students to be compassionate, creative, and critical thinkers, through academic excellence and a community of care that is rooted in our call to love and serve our neighbours.


Luther College makes transformative change for a more grace-filled, just, and joyful world.

Rooted and Open

We are rooted in the Lutheran intellectual tradition and open to insights from other religious, spiritual, and secular traditions. In our Canadian context, we feel especially called to recognize and value Indigenous worldviews, knowledge, and perspectives.


Innovation, creativity, exploration, and critical thinking

The desire to do our best in everything that we do.

Compassion, Care & Stewardship

Care for all entrusted to us — students, one another, our resources, and the world we live in.

Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion

Safety, acceptance, respect for all while valuing differences in individuals and among people(s).


Honesty, transparency, and accountability