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Our Alumni

  • Landis Wyatt (HS’89)

    Landis Wyatt (HS’89)

    With an insatiable love of the outdoors and a career in sales and marketing in that industry, never did this prairie girl think she would find herself living on the other side of the world, working in a field foreign from any of her long-held aspirations. And never did she expect the leap to be… read more

  • Shannon Williams (HS’93, U’98)

    Shannon Williams (HS’93, U’98)

    Throughout her entire career— whether as a social worker, a criminal prosecutor or in her current role as Assistant Deputy Attorney General for the Government of Saskatchewan— Shannon Williams has always been a public servant. “Being able to serve the community is important to me, in all the roles I’ve had,” she says. After convocating… read more

  • Tynan Allan Wenarchuk (HS’10)

    Tynan Allan Wenarchuk (HS’10)

    Luther The Root of Success For Tynan Allan Wenarchuk (HS’10), life at Luther College High School (LCHS) didn’t begin in grade nine. “I went to my first Luther Invitational Tournament when I was two weeks old,” he says with a laugh. Like many alumni, his history with Luther is intertwined in family. His mother, Heather Wenarchuk… read more

  • Phoebe Voigts (HS’76)

    Phoebe Voigts (HS’76)

    Phoebe Voigts (HS’76), Founding Artistic Director of the internationally known Saskatoon Children’s Choir (SCC), grew up singing. “Lutherans sing,” says Phoebe. “We sing Bach.” Phoebe’s first source of musical inspiration was her mother, the late Winnifred Voigts, who was an accomplished organist, choral conductor, and music educator. At Luther, Phoebe’s love and appreciation of music was… read more

  • Kim Tran (HS’13, U’17)

    Kim Tran (HS’13, U’17)

    The Tran siblings, Andrew, Jenn and Kim, have all followed very different career paths, but what they have in common is where those paths began: Luther College. Andrew says, “When I was in Grade 9, Jenn was in Grade 10 and Kim was in Grade 12. It was nice to know I had a support system when I had questions about… read more

  • Jennifer Tran (HS’15)

    Jennifer Tran (HS’15)

    The Tran siblings, Andrew, Jenn and Kim, have all followed very different career paths, but what they have in common is where those paths began: Luther College.  Andrew says, “When I was in Grade 9, Jenn was in Grade 10 and Kim was in Grade 12. It was nice to know I had a support system when I had questions about… read more

  • Andrew Tran (HS’16)

    Andrew Tran (HS’16)

    The Tran siblings, Andrew, Jenn and Kim, have all followed very different career paths, but what they have in common is where those paths began: Luther College.  Andrew says, “When I was in Grade 9, Jenn was in Grade 10 and Kim was in Grade 12. It was nice to know I had a support system when I had questions about… read more

  • Bob Steadward (HS’64)

    Bob Steadward (HS’64)

    Founder of Paralympic Movement Bob Steadward (HS’64) knew as a young boy that he wanted to “accomplish something with his life.” What he did not foresee was the role he would play as champion for the Paralympic movement. “I had some exposure to disability in my life but never thought consciously of going into a… read more

  • Jayden Soroka (HS’02)

    Jayden Soroka (HS’02)

    Jayden Soroka (HS’02) has worked for more than a decade as a producer, director/assistant director, editor, and animator/motion graphics artist in everything from Hollywood feature films and national television commercials, to all forms of digital content. As a seasoned filmmaker, with a   passion for motion graphics and visual arts, and an insatiable appetite for storytelling, Jayden… read more

  • Bill Silver (HS’49, HSU’50)

    Bill Silver (HS’49, HSU’50)

    After practicing medicine for over fifty years, orthopaedic surgeon Bill Silver (HS’49, HSU’50) still proclaims with gusto that the best part of medicine is orthopaedics because “that’s the front line and that’s where the action is.” He explains that most people suffer injuries like broken bones and sprains over their lifetimes. This reality fuelled his… read more

  • Stephen Sharpe (HS’08)

    Stephen Sharpe (HS’08)

    As COVID-19 variants spike, and countries like Italy go into another lockdown, a recently ordained Catholic priest in Italy who got his start at Luther is urging people to recommit to their faith now more than ever. Speaking from his home near the Vatican in Rome, 30-year-old Canon Stephen Sharpe (HS’08) says he’s seeing “a pandemic of… read more

  • Bill Schwarz (HS’60)

    Bill Schwarz (HS’60)

    Skewing Artistic Lines And Defying Conventions Teens tend to get clumped into convenient stereotypes in high school with immediately recognizable labels: the brainiacs, the jocks, the choristers, the rebels. Bill Schwarz (HS’60) never liked labels, and did his best to avoid being boxed in to one stereotype while attending Luther College high school. He served as… read more

  • Nancy Park (HS’92, U’97)

    Nancy Park (HS’92, U’97)

    From L.I.T. to the Winter Olympics Nancy Park (HS’92, U’97) still remembers watching her older brother, Chan Park (HS’89), head off each day to Luther College High School (LCHS), eagerly anticipating her own transition into the world of Luther. During her time at Luther she would have her first taste of media relations, an experience… read more

  • Ross Niebergall (HS’81, U’86)

    Ross Niebergall (HS’81, U’86)

    While IBM was launching the world’s first “portable” comput­er in 1975, weighing a modest 55 pounds, a pre-teen Ross Niebergall was building his own computers in the basement of his Regina home, soldering silicon components onto printed circuit boards. “For as long as I can remember I’ve always loved technology,” Ross laughs. “I was a… read more

  • Patrick Neufeld (HS’06)

    Patrick Neufeld (HS’06)

    Patrick Neufeld plays for the Blue Bombers and roots for the Lions. The Luther Lions, that is. The Regina-born Winnipeg Blue Bombers offensive lineman — a recently crowned Grey Cup champion — renewed ties with long-time friends at the 68th annual Luther Invitational Tournament held February 6-8, 2020. Neufeld attended Luther College High School from… read more

  • Joann (McIlwrick) Mundin (HS’90, U’94)

    Joann (McIlwrick) Mundin (HS’90, U’94)

    As the world hunkers down during the COVID-19 pandemic, Luther alumna Joann (McIlwrick) Mundin (HS’90, U’94) is busier than ever. The Associate Director of Psychiatry for the Las Vegas Police Department Clark County Detention Center continues to spend her days tending to the mental health needs of thousands of inmates, while following pandemic protocols to… read more

  • Makenzie Morgan (HS’02, U’06)

    Makenzie Morgan (HS’02, U’06)

    When Makenzie Morgan (HS’02, U’06) was just seven years old and folding laundry with her family in front of the TV, she witnessed an opera special on PBS that literally changed the course of her life. “I remember the late African American soprano Jessye Norman was singing a concert of German Lieder [songs sung in German].… read more

  • Rachel Mielke (HS’98)

    Rachel Mielke (HS’98)

    Rachel Mielke (HS’98), CEO and Founder of Hillberg & Berk, a successful luxury jewelry line, says it all started back in high school when she dusted off her mom’s sewing machine. “I discovered a passion for working with my hands. I can remember digging [it] out of the basement and getting her to show me how to… read more

  • Rob Middleton (HS’78)

    Rob Middleton (HS’78)

    Character & Creative Success Although Rob Middleton (HS’78) and his family usually make an annual trek to Regina, Saskatchewan, from their home in Malaysia, this year’s visit was different: this time, in addition to visiting family, they left behind their seventeen-year-old daughter Thea to attend Luther College High School – just like her father did.… read more

  • Rori Lee (HS’87, U’97)

    Rori Lee (HS’87, U’97)

    “I didn’t choose it; it chose me,” is how Rori (Lawson) Lee responds when you ask her how she became a registered psychologist.  When she graduated from Luther College High School in 1987, Lee didn’t plan on going to university. Instead, she went to SIAST (now Saskatchewan Polytechnic) and took an administrative assistant course, working for law… read more

  • Helen Leinweber Lawrence (HS’33)

    Helen Leinweber Lawrence (HS’33)

    Luther College’s Oldest Living Alum Helen (Leinweber) Lawrence (HS’33) is the oldest (known) living alum of Luther College, born in 1915. Helen is hard of hearing so her daughter, Linda Lord, was more than happy to provide us with an overview of how her mother – a former teacher – lived out those many years… read more

  • Austin Josephson (HS’10, U’15)

    Austin Josephson (HS’10, U’15)

    Bromance & Masculinity: A Celebration After graduating from Luther College High School (LCHS) in 2010, Austin Josephson (HS’10, U’15) attended Luther’s University campus (LCUR) and in 2015, he convocated with a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Film Production and minoring in Indigenous Studies. While he loves the camera work inherent in film production, his true… read more

  • Ann Johnson (HS’92)

    Ann Johnson (HS’92)

    At the age of 30, Ann Johnson was eight years into her career at Luther College, where she taught physical education and math and coached girls’ volleyball and basketball. “When I was a high school student, I loved playing sports! I was always angry that girl athletes didn’t get to experience a Luther Invitational Tournament environment, so when I… read more

  •  Annie Hylton (HS’01)

     Annie Hylton (HS’01)

    Given her love of writing, research and interpersonal connection, Annie Hylton’s career as an investigative journalist is an ideal fit. But it wasn’t her first calling. She initially worked as a non-practising lawyer in non-government organizations and academia, focusing on armed conflict and women’s rights issues. When she began studies toward a PhD in international… read more

  • Brad Hertz (HS’82)

    Brad Hertz (HS’82)

    Brad Hertz’s life reads like an action-packed adventure novel, full of nail-biting heroics and an adrenaline-fueled work ethic that has resulted in international busi­ness success.  The Luther alumnus (HS’82) began working for his father’s Hertz Bus company in Grade 10, changing oil and learning the ins-and-outs while excelling in high school basketball and football. Upon… read more

  • Randy Haatvedt (HS’72)

    Randy Haatvedt (HS’72)

    A Kidney Lost, A Friendship Gained Randy Haatvedt (HS’72) has never been one to take his blessed life and good health for granted. He made a remarkably self-sacrificing decision after hearing that a long-time “friendly acquaintance” was facing kidney failure. That decision resulted in the loss of one kidney, but the gain of a lifelong friendship.… read more

  • Desiree Gibson (HS’02, U’07)

    Desiree Gibson (HS’02, U’07)

    Serving the Community, One Meal at a Time Desiree Gibson’s (HS’02, U’07) aspiration to do “some good in the community” has always guided her in her vocation. From medical technician to office administrator for the Reserves, to working with Native Health Services at the General Hospital, to her current position as Community Manager at REACH (Regina)… read more

  • Mike Fritzler (HS’88)

    Mike Fritzler (HS’88)

    Drive, determination and passion are three qualities that have guided and directed Mike Fritzler (HS’88) professionally for over twenty-five years, enabling him to enjoy a rich and rewarding career as a local business owner and community leader. For the past twenty-six years, Mike has been President and CEO of Fact Computers in Regina, a computer sales and… read more

  • Ben Fong (HS’01)

    Ben Fong (HS’01)

    Building Bridges of Hope With Building Blocks There’s a saying that if you do what you love, the money will follow. As a small child in Hong Kong, Ben Fong (HS’01) would spend hours playing with LEGO interlocking bricks, never dreaming that, three decades later, he would make his living building with LEGO. Today, Ben works for… read more

  • David Faro (HS’89)

    David Faro (HS’89)

    David Faro (HS’89) has lived and worked with some of the most privileged people on the planet. As the former Enrichment Director of The World—the largest private luxury expedition ship sailing on the world’s oceans—David’s job was to ensure that people living on the ship had access to a first-class lifestyle while visiting many of the… read more

  • Derrick Emsley (HS’08) & Kalen Emsley (HS’07)

    Derrick Emsley (HS’08) & Kalen Emsley (HS’07)

    At only twenty-six and twenty-seven years of age, brothers Derrick Emsley (HS’08) and Kalen Emsley (HS’07) are CEO and CMO, respectively, of tentree, a successful clothing company founded in 2012 with friend and partner David Luba. The concept of tentree is simple: for every item of clothing or accessory sold, the company plants ten trees as a way of giving… read more

  • Grace (Ganshorn) Drever (HS’92)

    Grace (Ganshorn) Drever (HS’92)

    A Place Where No One Is Left Behind Some kids breeze through high school with an easy confidence, great grades, and sights set on promising careers in law, medicine, or finance. Grace (Ganshorn) Drever (HS’92) admits she was not one of them. In fact, grace says she might not have received her diploma at all had it not… read more

  • Chris Dixon (HS’86, U’91)

    Chris Dixon (HS’86, U’91)

    As Design Director of Vanity Fair, New York based Chris Dixon (HS’86, U’91) aptly describes his work as “the visual side of journalism. You get to tell important stories,” he says, “and work with contemporary and conceptual photography and design. The cycle of reading, interpreting, and   designing is endlessly creative––every project is engaging.” Dixon’s description of his work… read more

  • Daun Daum (HS’64, HSU’67)

    Daun Daum (HS’64, HSU’67)

    Daun Daum (HS’64, HSU’67) has spent his entire life offering hope and second chances to generations of inner-city Calgary youth as a beloved high school Phys Ed teacher and coach. The rural Saskatchewan boy jokingly admits he spent more than his fair share of time in the principal’s office as a teen and credits Luther’s caring… read more

  • Wendy Cox (HS’84, U’88)

    Wendy Cox (HS’84, U’88)

    The Globe and Mail’s Wendy Cox has interviewed thinkers as diverse as John Ralston Saul and Sting in her nearly 35-year career in journalism. But the person who left one of the deepest impressions on her life wasn’t someone she interviewed, but rather someone who helped launch her impressive career— her former Luther High School English… read more

  • Brett Bobowski (HS’08)

    Brett Bobowski (HS’08)

    When he was a kid, Brett Bobowski’s parents took him to air shows. He marvelled at the aerobatics of the Canadian Forces Snowbirds and wondered what it would be like to be in the cockpit. This wasn’t just a fleeting childhood dream, though: today, Bobowski is a fighter pilot with the Royal Canadian Air Force… read more

  • Michelle Beveridge (HS’88)

    Michelle Beveridge (HS’88)

    When Passion and Purpose Collide There’s no doubt about it. Michelle Beveridge is a dynamic change-maker who knows how to get things done. Her activism and social responsibility have taken her all over the world, where she’s helped shape policy and communicate a call-to-action on issues ranging from the inequities facing poor rice farmers in… read more

  • Sarah Bergbusch (HS’13)

    Sarah Bergbusch (HS’13)

    At the age of eleven, Sarah Bergbusch (HS’13), who describes herself as “fairly reserved,” tried out for a part in her elementary school play – a decision that would help set the trajectory of her future. “I didn’t really understand what acting was at that time, so I just tried my best to become a  developed character.”… read more

  • Nathanael Bergbusch (HS’13, U’17)

    Nathanael Bergbusch (HS’13, U’17)

    Had you told Nathanael Bergbusch when he was a teen that he was going to be a biologist someday, he would have laughed: “It was my worst subject in high school.” Fortunately, he appreciated a challenge and was encouraged by Luther College teachers such as Dave Hall and Derek Frostad.  Luther’s engaging, interactive classrooms also helped. “In… read more

  • Erin Bayne (HS’88, U’93)

    Erin Bayne (HS’88, U’93)

    An alumnus who got his start studying biology at Luther College ‘s High School and University campuses is now doing his part to improve the future of our environment and the role humans can have in this improvement. Erin Bayne (HS ’88, U’93) is a professor at the University of Alberta (U of A) in the… read more

  • Robert Davis (HS’04)

    Robert Davis (HS’04)

    Robert is the Vice President, Treasury at Conexus Credit Union. Robert earned his Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Regina and is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). He is a former Assistant Coach of the Luther Lions Senior Boys basketball team, and an alumnus of the High School (HS’04). Robert previously served on… read more

  • Derek Debolt (HS’11)

    Derek Debolt (HS’11)

    Derek (HS’11) is an associate lawyer maintaining a broad corporate and commercial law practice. He holds a Juris Doctor from the University of Saskatchewan, College of Law and a Bachelor of Business Administration (Management) from the University of Regina, and is currently the Chair of the Canadian Bar Association’s Young Lawyer’s Saskatchewan Section. While pursuing his… read more

  • Beth Drozda (HS’84, U’87)

    Beth Drozda (HS’84, U’87)

    Beth is a Senior Human Resources Consultant with Access Communications, and has worked in the HR field for 13 years. She has a Bachelor of Arts in French and Religious Studies, a Human Resources Advanced Certificate, and her Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) designation. Beth is an alumna of both the High School (HS’84) and… read more

  • Helga Hein (HS’76)

    Helga Hein (HS’76)

    Helga is retired from a diverse career in communications/branding and facilitation. She has a Bachelor of Administration from the University of Regina and is an alumna of Luther College High School (HS’76). Helga served previously on the Luther College Board of Regents from 2004-2008. She has previous board experience with the Lutheran Theological Seminary, Saskatoon,… read more

  • Brennen Schmidt (HS’08)

    Brennen Schmidt (HS’08)

    Brennen is an award-winning management consultant specializing in cybersecurity, emergency planning, and crisis response. He is co-author of Cyber City Safe: Emergency Planning Beyond the Maginot Line, and a trusted advisor who bridges the gap between business and technology. He holds a Certificate in Public Sector Governance and Public Relations, and a Bachelor of Education in… read more

  • Marie Shalashniy (Nee Digney) (HS’11)

    Marie Shalashniy (Nee Digney) (HS’11)

    Marie is the Deputy Parliamentary Counsel at the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan. She received her Juris Doctor from the University of Saskatchewan, College of Law with a Certificate in French Common Law from the University of Ottawa. She also holds a Baccalauréat en Éducation and Bachelor of Arts in French from the University of Regina.… read more

  • Andrea Wagner (HS’85, U’90)

    Andrea Wagner (HS’85, U’90)

    Andrea has a Master of Public Administration, and is currently working for SaskPower, as an Organizational Improvement Consultant. Andrea is an alumna of both Luther College High School (HS’85) and Luther College at the University of Regina (U’90, U’94). She has previous board experience with the MacKenzie Art Gallery, Planned Parenthood Regina, and Our Savior’s… read more

  • Micheal Wellman (HS’83)

    Micheal Wellman (HS’83)

    Rev. Michael (HS’83) is currently a Pastor at Highwood Lutheran Church in Calgary. Michael holds a Master of Divinity from the Lutheran Theological Seminary, and a Bachelor of Science from the University of Saskatchewan. He has previous board experience with campus ministries in Calgary, Kamloops, and Saskatoon. Michael is an alumnus of Luther College High School. read more