A Place to Belong

At Luther College, students find more than just an education – they find a community. Our caring and supportive environment helps students thrive both academically and personally. Many students say Luther feels like a family, offering the support they need to succeed. Parents appreciate being part of the school community, staying informed through regular parent-teacher communication, and participating in social, cultural, fundraising, and athletic events. With small class sizes (17:1 student-to-teacher ratio), everyone gets the attention they need. Our focus on personal responsibility and ethics ensures Luther is a safe and welcoming place for everyone.

High school basketball team in yellow uniforms on the court during a game, with players interacting and an engaged crowd watching from the bleachers in a gymnasium.

Community is the heart of Luther College

From the moment you arrive, you’ll find a welcoming environment. Whether through events, clubs, or everyday interactions, you’ll form lifelong friendships and have enriching experiences. Our supportive network is dedicated to helping every student succeed, celebrating everyone’s journey, nurturing lifelong learning, and fostering lasting connections.