Luther College High School has a rich tradition of bringing Broadway to life every year with a highly anticipated musical production. Since 1929, our stage has been a place where students explore their creativity and showcase their talents in a supportive and fun environment.
The annual musical, typically performed at the end of October, involves over 150 Luther students—from the cast and orchestra to crews handling makeup, costumes, lighting, sound, and stage management. It’s a monumental effort that offers students unique artistic experiences and the chance to shine in front of a live audience
For fall 2024, we’re excited to present Shrek! Here’s a look back at some of our recent productions:
2023: Alice in Wonderland
2022: Sister Act Jr.
2021: Frozen Jr.
2019: Anne of Green Gables
2018: Wizard of Oz
2017: Cinderella
2016: Honk!
2015: The Sound of Music
2014: Beauty and the Beast (October)
2014: Oliver! (June)
And the tradition goes back even further, with standout performances like The Sound of Music in 1978, The Wizard of Oz in 1990, and our very first musical, Marrying Marion, performed in 1929 at Darke Hall. Join us as we continue to celebrate the magic of theater and the incredible talent of our students, the 2024 dates will be announced soon!