Dress Code

Dress Code at Luther College: Why It Matters

Our dress code is more than just rules, it’s a tradition that highlights our commitment to being a school known for outstanding citizenship and a safe, welcoming community. Everyone, from students to staff, dresses in a way that reflects respect for themselves, others, and our school.

We encourage students to use common sense by dressing neatly, modestly, and in a way that supports a positive learning environment. Our dress code ensures fairness for everyone, respecting all students regardless of gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, body type, or religious beliefs, while allowing room for personal style.

Here are some key guidelines from our dress code:

Students should avoid wearing:

1. Blue jeans

2. Athletic clothing

3. Hats

4. Anything that obscures the face

5. Revealing clothing

6. Ripped clothing

7. Clothing that displays offensive words, symbols, or images

8. Sandals and crocs

9. Camouflage

For a complete list of our dress code rules, you can read the full policy here.