Family/Student Handbook Parents Volunteer


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Luther Parents Association

All parents of Luther College students are considered members of the Luther College Parents Association. Members volunteer their time to organize informational meetings and to help at school-wide events. Parents are also key leaders in organizing parent fundraisers and our All College banquet.

A parent of a Luther College student is also required to be part of our Corporate membership and attend the College’s AGM each fall.

Join Luther Parents Association

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Your information will remain confidential, and will only be used or disclosed for internal purposes and as authorized under PIPEDA.

Should you have any questions about the collection of information, please email

History of Parent Fundraising

Since 2015, the Luther Parents’ Committee organizes a fundraiser to support the students of Luther College. Although every parent of a Luther student is a member of the Parents’ Commitee, a small and dedicated organizing group works tirelessly to plan a fundraising event that not only raises money but builds community.

Every year the committee supports a project that will benefit the entire school and chooses a different theme for the event. Luther parents have raised over $200,000 through their events! Click through the photo gallery below to see some of  the purchases!

In addition to fundraising, the Luther Parents’ Committee helps parents become active members of the Luther community.  They help parents get to know each other and find ways to work together for the benefit of the school. Through their dedication, they support and enhance a student experience that is uniquely Luther.

Funds Raised:

2023 – $12,000 for I.T. equipment

2015 – $40,000 for Student Commons furniture

2016 – $25,000 for sound system in Merlis Belsher Heritage Centre

2017 – $31,000 for classroom technology

Jan. 2018 – $21,000 for open air courtyard construction

Nov. 2018 – $35,000 arts and athletics programs

2019 – $30,000 for library computers and upgrades

2020 – postponed due to COVID pandemic

2021 – $12,000 for pandemic safety expenses

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