School Access and School Parking
Students must use the Main Entrance of the school, which are the doors off Dewdney Ave, by the new Semple Gym. Students MUST bring their fobs in order to enter at the Main Entrance. The Main Entrance is also the door to use to access the school for co-curricular activities after regular school hours. Students will not be able to enter through the Royal Street doors with their fobs.
Students who drive to school may park on the gravel parking lot off Dewdney Ave. Please note the bus pick up lane is also off Dewdney Ave. Please do not park in our bus lane or in the paved staff parking lot. Grade 9 and 10 students are required to remain on campus throughout the school day including lunch breaks. This includes during any spare periods for our grade 10 students.
New students are issued a fob. Fobs are electronic keys used for accessing various areas on our campus. They are also like a ‘wallet’, as students can add money to them for lunches and photocopying. Students must have their key fobs in order to enter the school at the Dewdney Ave doors. It is the responsibility of each student to carry their fob when they are at school. Replacement fobs are available in the general office for $20.
Locks and Lockers
All students are assigned a locker at the beginning of each school year. All new students receive a lock for $20 posted to their student account. Returning students are assigned a locker, but bring their lock from the previous school year.
Students are required to use Luther issued locks and use the locker assigned to them. Lockers must be locked at all times to keep personal items secure. The school is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged belongings. Serial numbers and combinations are recorded for security purposes. Replacement locks are available in the general office for $20.
Near the staff workroom is a “lost and found” bin which all students can check if they have lost an item. Valuable items will be held in the general office.
Student Phone Usage
Mobile phone usage is not permitted during daily Chapel time. Students in violation of this policy have their phones confiscated until 3:15 p.m. regardless of when the student finishes classes for the day. Mobile phones are not permitted in exams. Students in violation of this policy will receive a zero.
Teachers may permit mobile phones in their classes. Students may speak to their individual teachers regarding teacher specific policies.
Headphones are not to be worn during school hours. The policy for mobile phones also applies to smart watches and similar devices.
Student Chapel and Announcements
Chapel is a vital and important part of the Christian context of the school. All students are required to attend. Chapel gives students the opportunity to actively listen to both religious and non-religious viewpoints that they may or may not agree with, to grow spiritually, to think critically about what they believe and don’t believe, and to consider why they hold the views they do. Chapel also contributes toward the Ministry of Education’s mandated teaching hours.
At the beginning of Chapel, announcements from administration, faculty and coaches are shared. Announcements are publicized on the television screens in the Student Commons and the bulletin board by the Principal’s office. Students that miss announcements at Chapel can check these locations.
Smoking & Alcohol Use
Luther College is committed to creating a campus that positively influences the health and well-being of students, staff, and faculty. According to Saskatchewan law, no person under the age of 18 is allowed to purchase tobacco in any form and no person under the age of 19 is allowed to purchase alcohol. Drug use is illegal for any age. This policy applies to drug/alcohol use both on campus and off campus, including students who are 19 years of age or older.
A student at school or participating in any school activity who is under the influence of alcohol or other prohibited substances may be suspended from school and the parent/guardian will be contacted. Students who sell or distribute drugs and/or alcohol on school premises will be expelled immediately at the school’s request and the family’s expense. Smoking and vaping are not permitted at any time on school property. Possession and/or use of tobacco and cannabis in any form on school property, at school activities, in vehicles, or while under the supervision of school employees is not permitted. Parents will be notified if their child is found smoking or violating this policy.
Students who are struggling with alcohol, drugs, or tobacco are encouraged to approach our counselors or deans about this. Our goal is to help students find assistance in overcoming unhealthy lifestyle challenges. However, students who demonstrate a serious or repeated problem with substance abuse will be expelled.
For dorm students, use or possession of alcohol or drugs will be treated as an offence and appropriate consequences will be given. This may include rehabilitation programs, and/or suspension or expulsion. Administrators, RAs, the school nurse, the school counsellor, and teachers will work closely with the student to provide opportunities to change such behaviour.
The school will provide students with an initial counselling session and students will be required to follow the recommended course of rehabilitation in consultation with parents/guardians.
E-cigarettes (vaping) of all forms are viewed in the same way as tobacco products and will be dealt with accordingly.
The school reserves the right to make final decisions regarding circumstances related to drug and/or alcohol use.