Health Services & Protocols
uther College High School nurse’s office is staffed by a registered nurse from 7:30am – 11:30am Monday through Friday. During these hours, students may see the nurse for any of their health-related concerns. The nurse provides routine nursing care, referrals to the family physician or community resources and emergency medical care as needed.
If a day student is ill, it is the parent/guardian responsibility to call the main office before missing class. If a student becomes ill at school, they will be referred to the nurse’s office during nursing hours, otherwise students are to report their illness at the main office to have their parents/guardian contacted.
Student Health Record Form must be filled out in Open Apply. It is important you provide accurate information so the nurse and/or faculty are aware of any high-risk medical conditions.
Day students are encouraged to carry with them any medication that is used on a regular or occasional basis and administer it to themselves. For times when a student needs an over-the-counter medication and has none available, students will be redirected to the nurse during the nurse’s office hours. The nurse will contact the student’s parent/guardian as permission is required to administer any medication. Students who require medication after 11:30 when the nurse is not available will need to contact their parents to be dismissed from class or to bring medication.
The school’s physician has approved a variety of over-the-counter medication the nurse can give for minor illnesses. The nurse will request permission from a parent prior to providing any medication.
New students to Saskatchewan need to apply for Saskatchewan health insurance . This process can take several weeks, and the student will be responsible for paying for health-related costs while waiting for insurance to be processed. A typical visit to the doctor costs $70.00. These expenses will be reimbursed once the health card is activated by mailing receipts to Medical Services Branch at 3475 Albert St., Regina, SK., S4S 6X6.
In the event of significant medical or psychological conditions (severe depression, eating disorders, suicide attempts, and substance abuse are some examples) where it is deemed an emergency that requires immediate treatment, support or supervision, parents/guardian will be contacted, or emergency medical services will be activated for the student to be taken to the hospital.
Parents are advised to notify the school if their student has a high-risk medical condition (history of anaphylaxis, diabetes or other medical conditions that potentially could lead to a medical emergency) by contacting the main office, school nurse or filling out the Student Health History form in Open Apply. The nurse will contact the parent of a high-risk student for any medical instructions and to advise that faculty will be made aware of their student’s medical condition and potential treatment.
- Someone will always stay with the student
- The student’s medical plan will be carried out according to the directions given by the parent/guardian/physician:
- For an anaphylactic reaction: The student’s EpiPen will be administered. If the reaction continues to worsen a second dose will be administered 5 minutes later and a 3rd dose in another 5 minutes if needed.
- For a severe asthmatic attack: The student’s inhaler(s) will be administered immediately.
- For all other high risk medical conditions: Medication will be given, or treatment provided according to directions given by parent/guardian/physician.
- 911 will be called for medical emergencies that cannot be resolved at school. **If an EpiPen is administered, the student must be transported to the hospital even if symptoms have subsided.
- The school nurse will be notified.
- The parents/guardian will be notified.
Note: All costs associated with medical treatment will be the parent’s responsibility and employees are not responsible for any adverse reactions resulting from administration of emergency medication.
Mental Health Resources
Luther College High School has two counsellors and a school nurse that your student can see. if your student needs to talk to a counselor, they can set up an appointment by emailing the counselor or by going to student services. No appointment is needed to see the nurse.
Kids Help Phone – Call 1-800-668-6868 or text CONNECT or 686868 for professional counselling, information, and referrals to those aged 5 to 29. You can phone, text, or chat online. It’s confidential, free, and available 24/7.
- Download the Always There app for additional support or access the Kids Help Phone website.
HealthLine: Call 811 for mental health and addictions service, 24/7 crisis support, advice to help manage a caller’s situation, information, and connection to community resources.
Sexual Assault line: Call 306-352-0434
Suicide Helpline: Call 306-525-5333 or dial 988
Helpful Apps:
- Calm
- Headspace
- Mindshift
- Shine – Self Care and Meditation
Questions or concerns about your student’s health care at school may be directed to Jan Ferguson, School Nurse by email at or phone 306-791-9164.
To comply with PIPEDA and HIPA privacy legislation:
A student’s health and medical information is confidential, however the consent a parent signs on the Student Health Record form allows for sharing of information with the faculty, if it is in the best interest of the student. Parents/guardian will be contacted for permission to access their student’s confidential medical file in eHR Viewer if needed for immediate care. eHR Viewer is a secure provincial (eHealth) electronic database that the nurse may use to retrieve medical information on a student regarding prescribed medication, laboratory or medical test results, clinical encounters with a physician or hospital, immunizations, and chronic disease management.