Exam Periods
There are midterm and final exam periods in each semester. Specific room locations and times will be provided on the school website and posted in the hallways approximately one week in advance of the exam period. Failure to attend exams may result in a failing grade.
Midterm Exam Schedule – November 2024
Note: We have protocols in place to accommodate students who cannot attend an exam in person due to a physical illness. Please email registrar@luthercollege.edu for assistance.
Honor Roll Guidelines
- Honour Roll will be based on the average of 80% or higher for the following six mandatory classes:
- Mathematics
- Science
- Christian Ethics
- History
- one English
- one Fine Arts, Language, or Physical Education
The semester one final marks and the semester two midterm marks will be used to calculate the average.
- The mandatory classes in Mathematics, Science, Christian Ethics, History, and English must be at the grade level for the year in which a student receives the award.
- If two or more marks meet a single requirement, the highest mark will be used in the average.
- Students must take a minimum of twelve classes in grade 9, ten classes in grade 10, and eight classes in both grade 11 and 12. To earn a Luther College High School diploma, students must earn a minimum of 26 credits.
- Students must pass all their scheduled classes.
- Students are allowed to take one class off campus each school year; however, for Honour Roll consideration, students must take all their mandatory classes at Luther.
- The school year for January graduates will be the spring semester of the previous year and the fall semester of the current year.
- For the English class requirement, the semester one class will be used.
- For grade 9, Math 9B will be used as the required math class.
- When a single class is scheduled for two semesters, the progress report card marks recorded in January and April will be treated as two separate marks.
- Students must be in good standing as determined by Luther’s administration.
- The Vice Principal of Academics may consider individual students who have exceptional schedules and/or circumstances that prevent them from meeting one or more of these guidelines.
The names of the Honour Roll students are posted in the main hallway outside the principal’s office.
The Principal’s Gold Medal is awarded to a graduating student with the greatest general proficiency in academic and co-curricular activities.
The Governor-General’s Bronze Medal is awarded for academic excellence to the student who achieves the highest average upon graduating from a secondary school.