School Life Chaplaincy


Chaplaincy – Here for Everyone

At Luther College, the Chaplaincy is a place of connection, conversation, and action for people of all faiths and none. It’s here to support everyone, no matter where they are in their journey or how involved they are in campus life.

Luther College is grounded in a rich theological tradition, which encourages discussions about life’s big questions from various religious and secular perspectives. This approach helps shape character, fosters vocational discernment, and builds religious literacy. Here, students explore questions like “Who are you going to be?” alongside “What are you going to do?” This exploration helps them understand the meaning and purpose of their lives.

Brooklynn Lane

Our Chaplain – Brooklynn Lane

[Bio & photo of Brooklynn to come later]

What Does the Chaplain Do?

The Chaplain at Luther College plays a vital role in supporting students and staff through personal support, community organizing, justice themes, Christian worship, and interfaith dialogue. They are here to help you challenge old assumptions, listen deeply, embrace new ideas, and grow.

Worship at Luther College

Chapel services will be scheduled soon. The Luther Chapel is located on the 2nd floor of Luther College, across from the Auditorium.