Financial Aid/Bursaries, Scholarships

Awards Criteria

To be eligible for a Luther award, students must:

  • Be registered in Luther Arts; Luther Media, Art, and Performance (formerly Fine Arts); Luther Science; or Luther La Cité as a primary program.
  • Apply for the award(s).
  • Remain registered in at least 9 credit hours throughout the Fall term (Residence awards require students to also be registered in 9 credit hours in the Winter term). Students applying for mature and part-time scholarships are exempt.
  • Award deferrals: Deferrals of awards will not normally be allowed. However, Luther students in the GAP Year program are eligible to have Luther-funded entrance scholarships deferred for up to one academic year.
  • Students who are unable to register in the minimum credit hours due to a disability may be eligible for consideration if their maximum course load is specified and documented by a professional qualified to assess their ability. Students must be registered with, and their documentation provided to and verified by, the University of Regina’s Centre for Student Accessibility at the start of each semester during which the student may be considered for an award.


  • Averages: entrance awards use the admissions average, and continuing student awards use the undergraduate grade point average (UGPA)
  • Award: general category for scholarships and bursaries
  • Bursary: a monetary award for academic studies given on the basis of financial need
  • Continuing student: a student who has completed at least 12 credit hours of study at a post-secondary educational institution
  • Entering student: a student beginning first year who has not previously attended a post-secondary educational institution
  • Scholarship: a monetary award for academic studies given on the basis of academic merit alone, or academic merit and other criteria

Limits on Awards

  • Entering students who receive the University of Regina Entrance Scholarship, UR Circle of Scholars Scholarship, the University of Regina Out of Province Entrance Scholarship and the former Centennial Merit/Centennial Merit Plus scholarship may not apply for the Luther College Entrance Scholarship, the Luther College High School Scholarship, or the Pre-professional Entrance Scholarship.
    • Home-based learners and transfer students are not eligible for Luther awards in their first year as grades are not available. These students should apply for Luther scholarships in subsequent years when they have established a UGPA.
    • Because Luther has many excellent students deserving support, each student may receive a maximum of $1,500 in College awards annually.

Payment of Awards

  • Luther awards are credited to student accounts following the last day to drop courses with a full refund. Students can review their financial accounts on UR Self-Service.